Member Monday | Amber

Amber has been a member at Family Wellness since 2017. She keeps coming back here because she has seen the progress she has made in living a health lifestyle since being a member here. Amber never thought she would be a gym person, but she has felt welcomed here and it has become a part of her of life.

Amber is an RN at a local hospital and has a passion to connect with others working in the healthcare industry. She came up with the idea of a program geared towards those in the healthcare industry (all are welcome though). This program is called Nursing Salon and is held at Family Wellness.

The Nursing Salon meets every Wednesday at 8pm. No membership or registration is required to participate. It is designed to get together with other healthcare workers to talk, learn, grow, de-stress, feel appreciated and supported.

Thank you Amber for all you do for our community!