Float Yoga

October 13, 2022
9:05 am - 9:50 am


Float into Fitness! Take your love for yoga to the next level by moving it to the water in this 4-week specialty course. Float Yoga courses take place in the Pool where it combines hatha yoga and vinyasa yoga asanas, or poses over the water on floating fitmats. Practicing yoga on the water improves your balance and flexibility while “encouraging being fully present in the moment and some humility for the occasional dip into the water!” 
Required clothing: shorts, leggings, sport bras, or tanks. Due to the nature of the exercises being done no swimsuits or bikinis. Acceptable clothing items are shorts, leggings, sport bras or tanks. Material must be polyester spandex or swimsuit type material. No cotton. (Note: If requirements for clothing are not met participants will not be allowed to participate that day.)

Ages 15+

Location | Aquatics

Free for Members | Day pass for non-Members   Register Here.